05 April 2013

Display Character " ##### " When Load Content in Column of Microsoft Excel

Apply To:
Microsoft Excel 2010


Could not see the content or text or data in Column of Microsoft Excel, 

and display character "#####"

Example, filename : "Sample Shrink To Fit and Wrap Text.xls"
Link: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B6a5vK3IVP_0ZkYtdEtISlgxem8/edit?usp=sharing


1. Open the Example file

2. Block all of Column "B"

3. Right-click and choose "Format Cells..."

4. Choose Tab "Alignment"

5. Un-tick for Text Control = Wrap Text

6. Tick for Text Control = Shrink To Fit

7. Tick again for Text Control = Wrap Text

8. Then Click OK. Will display an content of column.

9. And example of results file in filename "Results Shrink To Fit and Wrap Text.xls"
Link: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B6a5vK3IVP_0cEdKWFViRHBNcEk/edit?usp=sharing