Cari Blog Ini

25 Desember 2012

Temple of The Golden Mount - Wat Saket - Bangkok - Thailand

Wat Saket, popularly known as the Golden Mount or ‘Phu Khao Thong’,
is a low hill crowned with a gleaming gold chedi.

Within, the 58-metre chedi houses a Buddha relic
and welcomes worshippers all year round.

The temple also hosts an annual temple fair in November,
which lasts a week during Loy Krathong.

The temple grounds feature mature trees
and typical Buddhist structures such as the main chapel, ordination hall and library.

Its origins can be traced back to the Ayutthaya period (1350- 1767 AD)
and it underwent major renovations during King Rama I’s reign (1782-1809).

To get to the top requires a climb up some 300 steps,
which encircle the chedi like a loosely coiled snake.
The path is well-paved and the climb relatively easy
if you avoid going at midday or during peak summer months.
