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15 Oktober 2024

14 September 2024

Diagram Venn


Dari suatu kelompok terdapat 30 orang . Dalam kelompok tersebut terdapat 20 orang suka mangga , 18 suka durian dan 5 orang tidak suka mangga maupun durian. Berapa orang yang suka mangga dan durian ? 

Diagram Venn


Yang suka musik atau basket 
= 6 + 8 + 5
= 13

11 September 2024

Pecahan di antara

Tentukan pecahan di antara pecahan 2/3 dan 11/15 . 

Pecahan di antara

Tentukan pecahan di antara pecahan 3/5 dan 5/8 .

08 September 2024

Tiga orang anggota pramuka

Tiga orang anggota pramuka berusaha untuk menaksir lebar sungai ( AB ) . Hasil pengukuran oleh anggota yang berdiri di B dan C ternyata mereka berjarak 10 m. Sedangkan yang berdiri di E mengukur jarak dari D ke E adalah 4m . Karena kesulitan mengukur , mereka bertiga sepakat memperkirakan jarak dari C ke D setengahnya dari jarak B ke C. 

a) Apakah segitiga ABC dan segitiga CDE sebangun ? Jika iya , syarat apa yang terpenuhi ? Berilah alasan yang sesuai dengan konsep kesebangunan segitiga. 

b) Untuk memperkirakan lebar sungai ( AB ) dapat menggunakan perbandingan sisi - sisi yang bersesuaian . Tuliskan perbandingan sisi - sisi tersebut . Lalu , berapa perkiraan lebar sungai menurut perhitunganmu. 

Sepuluh anak membentuk 2 kelompok

Sepuluh anak membentuk 2 kelompok bermain yang masing-masing terdiri dari 4 anak dan 6 anak . Rata - rata usia kelompok yang beranggotakan 4 anak adalah 6 tahun . Sedangkan rata - rata usia kelompok lainnya adalah 6,5 tahun. Jika satu anak dari masing masing kelompok ditukar satu sama lain maka rata - rata usia kedu kelompok sama. Selisih usia kedua anak yang ditukar tersebut adalah .....

A. 1,2 tahun
B. 1,0 tahun
C. 0,5 tahun
D. 0,4 tahun
E. 0,1 tahun

04 September 2024

Keliling bangun datar

Tentukan keliling dan luas bangun datar tersebut . 

Harga alat hitung

Harga sebuah alat hitung beserta kemasannya adalah Rp 100.000,00 . Jika harga alat hitung Rp 90.000,00 lebih mahal dari kemasannya . Berapa harga alat hitung tersebut ?

Desa Maju dan Desa Jaya

Jumlah penduduk di Desa Maju dan Desa Jaya adalah 41.000 orang . Jika penduduk Desa Jaya lebih banyak 3.800 orang dari Desa Maju . Banyak penduduk Desa Jaya adalah .....

A. 18.600 orang
B. 20.400 orang
C. 22.400 orang
D. 22.600 orang

Uang kakak dan adik sama banyak

Kakak memiliki uang Rp 25.500,00 . Sedangkan adk memiliki uang Rp 22.500,00 . Agar uang kakak dan adik sama banyak , Kakak harus memberikan uangnya kepada adik sebesar .....

02 September 2024

Banyak bunga anggrek

Lita membeli bunga anggrek dan bunga mawar sama banyak dengan total harga Rp 140.000,00 . Harga sebuah bunga anggrek adalah Rp 8.000 . Sedangkan harga sebuah bunga mawar Rp 4.000 lebih mahal dari harga bunga anggrek. 
Berapa banyak bunga anggrek yang Lita beli ?

04 Agustus 2024

Garis tinggi segitiga siku - siku

AC² = CD x CB

Garis tinggi segitiga siku - siku


Garis tinggi segitiga siku - siku


Garis tinggi segitiga siku siku

BD² = AD x DC

Faktorisasi aljabar

4x² + 8x - 5

05 Juli 2024

Self Introduction

Hello , friends !
Let me introduce myself to you.

My name is Anggi Nusantara.
My nickname is Anggi.

I am twelve yeara old.
I was born on November 6 , 1990.
I was born in Jakarta.

I am from Jakarta.
I am Indonesian.

I live on Melati Street No.69.
I live in Jakarta.

I live with my father and my mother.
I don't have brothers and sisters.
I am the only child.

I live with my parents , my brothers and my sister. 
My parents are Mr. Wijaya and Mrs. Wijaya.
My brothers are Sahdan dan Sahjedan. 
Sahdan is older than me.
My sister is Rahma.
She is the oldest child in my family.

I have a brother.
His name is Jonathan.
He studies in college now.

My father is an enterpreneur.
And my mother is a teacher.

I love my family so much.

I am a atudent.
I study in Santa Theresia Junior High School.
I am in the first grade.
I am in the first year now.
I am enjoy studying there.

After school , I will play badminton , near to my house.

My hobbies are cooking and gardening.

I like writing , fishing and swimming.

I want to be a badminton athlete in the future.

I want to be a swimmer like my grandfather . He is a swimmer.

That's all from me.
Thank you.

29 Juni 2024


The company ..... my mother works is near my school.

A. That
B. Where
C. When
D. Why
E. What

Answer : B

The company where my mother works is near my school.

Interested in studying

Dita is interested ..... English as a second language. 

A. To study
B. In studying 
C. For studying
D. To have studied
E. In being studied

Answer : B

Dita is interested in studying English as a second language.

Clean your room

Mother : 
Clean your room , Siska !

Siska :
Yes , Mom.

Vinda :
What did your mother tell you , Siska ?

Siska :
She told me .....

A. Clean my room
B. To clean my room
C. Cleaning my room
D. To clean your room
E. Cleaned my room

Answer : B

She told me to clean my room.

To give

She said to me ," Give me another book "
She told me ..... another book .

A. To give her
B. To gave him
C. To give us
D. Gave her
E. Give her

Answer : A

She told me to give her another book.

Go away

He said to me ," Go away quickly !"
He told me .....

A. Go away quickly
B. Going away quickly
C. To go away quickly
D. Gave her
E. Went away

Answer : C

He told me to go away quickly.

24 Juni 2024

Give me a discount

Mira : "....."

Seller :
"O.K. I give you five percents discount."

A. Is there a discount ?
B. Do you have a discount ?
C. What is a discount ? 
D. Can you give me discount ? 
E. Do you understand about discount ?

Answer : D

Can you give me discount ?
O.K. I give you five percents discount.

Where you bought

I know the supermarket ..... you bought this bag.

A. Who
B. When
C. Why
D. Where
E. What

Answer : D

I know the supermarket where you bought this bag. 

It is a pleasure

Rian : 
This parcel is for you Re. It is your birthday , isn't it ?

Rene :
Thank you for your kindness Rian.

Rian :

A. You are right
B. Don't say like that
C. It is a pleasure
D. Never mind
E. I am very happy

Answer : C

This parcel is for you , Re .
It is your birthday, isn't it ? 

Thank you for your kindness Rian. 

It is a pleasure.

Any one vs Anyone

Any one = setiap orang ( ? )

Anyone = semua orang ( ? )

Every one = setiap orang ( + )

Everyone = semua orang ( + )

Every one vs Everyone

Every one = setiap orang 

Everyone = semua orang

Anyone vs anybody


23 Juni 2024

What do you think

Waiter :
What do you think of our honey chicken ?

Man :
..... with the dishes you served me.

A. I prefer
B. I hate
C. I'm extremely satisfied
D. I try
E. I don't like

Answer : C

I wonder whether

Man : 
I wonder whether you would care to come on a picnic with us next week ?

Woman :
That would be great fun.

What does the woman mean ?

A. She needs a help
B. She asks her to join a picnic
C. She cannot come on a picnic
D. She doesn't like picnic
E. She would join the picnic

Answer : E


Rico : It's too expensive .... it ?

Sinta : Sure it's not fix price . You can bargain it. 

A. Give me permission
B. You can take
C. Let me see
D. May I bargain
E. What price

Answer : D

Used to vs Usually

We usually eat pizza on Sundays.

We used to eat pizza last Sundays.

Used to play

When I was a child . I ..... play football in the yard.

A. Usually
B. Used to
C. Often
D. Never
E. Always

Answer : B

Used to

Used to 

Repeat action in the past


Usually vs Used to , 


Cindy : What do you think of Rani ?

Dany : In my opinion , although she is very rich . She never wears a glamour dress. She is very .....

A. Selfish
B. Arrogant
C. Greedy
D. Stingy
E. Modest 

Answer : E

Modest = sederhana


Suitcase , 
Luggage , 
Baggage , 

Baggage is the same as luggage in formal.

22 Juni 2024

If you eat

If you eat greasy food , you will become fat.

Took a break

21 Juni 2024

Get here

When did you get here ? 

Kapan kamu sampai disini ?

Stop over

Can you stop over at my place ?

Stop over = berhenti sebentar

19 Juni 2024

Fill in the blank

Fill in the blank

1. Very good = .....
2. Very bad = .....
3. Very happy = .....
4. Very sad = .....
5. Very funny = .....
6. Very serious = .....
7. Very brave = .....

Answer :

1. Excellent
2. Awful
3. Joyful
4. Miserable
5. Hilarious
6. Grave
7. Courageous

18 Juni 2024

Guess What 6

Guess What 6
SD Kelas 6
Bahasa Inggris 

Unit 1 
Page 23