1. Run this query
,case b.type
when 'D' then 'Full Database Backup'
when 'I' THEN 'Differential Backup'
WHEN 'L' THEN 'Log Backup'
END AS Backup_Type
,max(b.backup_finish_date) LastSuccessfulBackup
,cast((getdate() - max(b.backup_finish_date)) as numeric(5, 2)) as 'IntervalInDays'
--when cast((getdate() - max(b.backup_finish_date)) as numeric(5, 2)) > 1
--then cast('Completed' as varchar(10))
--when cast((getdate() - max(b.backup_finish_date)) as numeric(5, 2)) > 7
--then cast('Failed' as varchar(10))
when datediff(hh,max(b.backup_finish_date),getdate()) > 1
then cast('Completed Full BKP' as varchar(30))
when datediff(hh,max(b.backup_finish_date),getdate()) < 1
then cast('Failed Diff BKP' as varchar(30))
End as completion_Status
when (max(b.backup_finish_date) is NULL )then 'Backup Failed-no Data Found'
end as backup_status_data_not_found
from master..sysdatabases a
LEFT OUTER JOIN msdb..backupset b ON a.name = b.database_name
a.name not in ('tempdb')
and b.type = 'D'
group by a.name, b.type
order by a.name, b.type
2. Example Results Messages
Article : Query to check whether my Full Database Backup is running fine
By Sourav Mukherjee