Cari Blog Ini

07 Desember 2012

Typical Application of Market Basket Analysis

* Cross Selling.
* Product Placement.
* Affinity Promotion.
* Survey Analysis.
* Fraud Detection.
* Customer Behavior.

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* Cross Selling. 
Offer the associated items when customer buys any items from your store.

* Product Placement. 
Items that are associated (such as bread and butter, tissues and cold medicine, potato chips)
can be put near each other.
If the customers see them, it has higher probability that they will purchase them together.

* Affinity Promotion. 
Design the promotional events based on associated products.

* Survey Analysis. 
The fact that both independent and dependent variables of market basket analysis
are nominal (categorical) data type makes MBA very useful to analyze questionnaire data.

* Fraud Detection. 
Based on credit card usage data,
we may be able to detect certain purchase behaviors that can be associated with fraud.

* Customer Behavior. 
Associating purchase with demographic, and socioe conomic data
(such as age, gender, and preference) may produce very useful results for marketing.

Ebook of Management Information Systems - Tenth Edition
By James A. O'Brien, George M. Marakas
Published by McGraw-Hill/Irwin
Page 411