Cari Blog Ini

25 Februari 2014

How To Added Linked Server in SQL Server

Apply To :
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2

Problem :
Want to access stored procedure and table in another SQL Server

Solution :

1. Example SQL Server - 1 = SERVER_1

2. Example SQL Server - 2 = SERVER_2

3. Active at SERVER_1, then type this query to add New Linked Server,

-----Code : Start

USE Master

--Create Link Server
EXEC master.dbo.sp_addlinkedserver
    @server     = N'LINKED_2', --Link Server Name
    @srvproduct = N'SQLServ', --it’s not a typo: it can’t be “SQLServer”
    @provider   = N'SQLOLEDB', --Provider Name
    @datasrc    = N'SERVER_2'; --Server Name

--Create Pair local and remote logins
EXEC master.dbo.sp_addlinkedsrvlogin
    @rmtsrvname  = N'LINKED_2', --Link Server Name
    @useself     = N'False',
    @locallogin  = N'sa', --Login user Local
    @rmtuser     = N'sa',
    @rmtpassword = N'sasasa';  
--For Executeble Command : exec SP
exec sp_serveroption @server='LINKED_2', @optname='rpc out', @optvalue='true'

-----Code : End

4.The Linked Server : "LINKED_2" already added successfully.

Example, there is a table : "Orders" in SERVER_2

Next, try to access the table, from SERVER_1

-----Code : Start

select * from openquery
( LINKED_2, ' select * from Northwind.dbo.Orders ' )

-----Code : End


-----Code : Start

select * into _Temp_Orders
from openquery
( LINKED_2, ' select * from Northwind.dbo.Orders ' )

-----Code : End

Example, there is a Stored Procedure : "[Sales by Year]" in SERVER_2

Next, try to access the stored procedure from SERVER_1

-----Code : Start

exec ( ' exec Northwind.dbo.[Sales by Year]
  ') at LINKED_2 ;

-----Code : End

7. Optional, to remove the Linked Server