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01 November 2021

Exercise 048

Exercise 048 , klik baca selengkapnya 

1. Saya masih mengerjakan PR saya , meski saya mengantuk = .....
ANSWER = I am still doing my homework , though I am dozy

2. Aku menaruh kunci di sakuku = .....
ANSWER = I put the key in my pocket

3. Aku besar di Semarang = .....
ANSWER = I grew up in Semarang

4. Apakah kamu tinggal di Jepang ? = .....
ANSWER = Do you live in Japan ?

5. Ponselku ada di meja = .....
ANSWER = My phone is on the table

6. Kamu bisa melihat gambar di dinding = .....
ANSWER = You can see a picture on the wall

7. Nama penulis ada di sampul buku = .....
ANSWER = The author's name is on the cover of the book

8. Aku akan menemuimu di halte bus = .....
ANSWER = I will meet you at the bus stop

9. Berapa banyak orang yang bekerja di Microsoft ? = .....
ANSWER = How many people are working at Microsoft ?

10. Mereka tinggal di jalan mawar 14 = .....
ANSWER = They live at 14 mawar road

11. Birth to 1 year = .....
ANSWER = infant

12. ( 1 to 3 years ) = .....
ANSWER = toddler

13. ( 3 to 12 years ) = .....
ANSWER = child

14. ( 13 to 19 years ) = .....
ANSWER = teenager

15. Idiom = Memakai makeup = .....
ANSWER = put your face on

16. Idiom = Memakai pakaian yang menarik perhatian = .....
ANSWER = dressed to kill

17. Idiom = Berpenampilan menarik = .....
ANSWER = look a million dollars

18. Menatap dengan penuh perhatian = .....
ANSWER = gaze

19. Melirik = .....
ANSWER = glance

20. Berkedip = .....
ANSWER = wink