Cari Blog Ini

09 November 2021

Exercise 064

Exercise 064 , klik baca selengkapnya 

1. Ngompor - ngomporin = ......     
ANSWER = add fuel to fire

2. Jangan bertele - tele = ......     
ANSWER = don't beat around the bush

3. Maklumin = ......     
ANSWER = bear with me

4. Terus terang / langsung ke intinya saja = ......     
ANSWER = cut the chase

5. Slentingan / kabar yang belum pasti = ......     
ANSWER = hear on the grapevine

6. Berapa banyak kucing yang mereka miliki ? = ......     
ANSWER = How many cats do they have ?

7. Saya murid = ......     
ANSWER = I am a pupil

8. Kami berdua murid - murid = ......     
ANSWER = We are both pupils

9. Apakah saya benar ? = ......     
ANSWER = Am I right ?

10. Apakah kamu putranya ? = ......     
ANSWER = Are you his son ?

11. Siapa saya ? = ......     
ANSWER = Who am I ?

12. Kami berdua anak - anak = ......     
ANSWER = We are both children

13. Mereka semua murid - murid = ......     
ANSWER = They are all pupils

14. Kami anak laki - laki = ......     
ANSWER = We are boys

15. Siapa mereka ? = ......     
ANSWER = Who are they ?

16. Apakah mereka anak - anak ? = ......     
ANSWER = Are they children ?

17. Apa ini ( jamak ) ? = ......     
ANSWER = What are these ?

18. Dimana sapi - sapi itu ? = ......     
ANSWER = Where are the cows ?

19. Mereka ada di bukit = ......     
ANSWER = They are on the hill

20. Apa itu ( jamak ) ? = ......     
ANSWER = What are those ?