Cari Blog Ini

15 November 2021

Exercise 079

Exercise 079 , klik baca selengkapnya 

1. Apa yang kamu katakan ? = ......     
ANSWER = What do you say ?

2. Mereka di bangku taman = ......     
ANSWER = They are on a bench

3. Nama anak laki - laki itu John = ......     
ANSWER = The boy's name is John

4. John adalah adik Mary = ......     
ANSWER = John is Mary's brother

5. Sapi milik siapakah itu ? = ......     
ANSWER = Whose cow is it ?

6. Itu sapi milik petani = ......     
ANSWER = It is the farmer's cow

7. Mainan - mainan milik siapa ini ? = ......     
ANSWER = Whose toys are these ?

8. Ini mainan - mainan milik anak laki - laki itu = ......     
ANSWER = These are the boy's toys

9. Topi petani itu baru = ......     
ANSWER = The farmer's hat is new

10. Pukul berapa = ......     
ANSWER = What time is it ?

11. Pukul 3 tepat = ......     
ANSWER = It is three o'clock

12. Pukul 9.30 = ......     
ANSWER = It is a half past nine

13. Pukul 9.45 = ......     
ANSWER = It is a quarter to ten

14. Pukul 08.40 = ......     
ANSWER = It is twenty minutes to nine

15. Pukul 09.25 = ......     
ANSWER = It is twenty five minutes past nine

16. ( 2.200 ) = ......     
ANSWER = two thousand and two hundred

17. ( 6.500 ) = ......     
ANSWER = six thousand and five hundred

18. ( 1.000.000 ) = ......     
ANSWER = one million

19. Apa yang kamu lakukan setelah sarapan pagi ? = ......     
ANSWER = What do you do after have breakfast ?

20. Saya makan malam = ......     
ANSWER = I have dinner