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15 November 2021

Exercise 085

Exercise 085 , klik baca selengkapnya 

1. Apakah kamu disana ? = ......     
ANSWER = Are you there ?

2. Kapan kamu lahir ? = ......     
ANSWER = When were you born ?

3. Bagaimana cara kerjanya ? = ......     
ANSWER = How does it work ?

4. Berapa banyak ? = ......     
ANSWER = How much is it ?

5. Berapa harganya ? = ......     
ANSWER = How much does it cost ?

6. Kata kerja bantu = ......     
ANSWER = auxiliary verb

7. Kata sandang = ......     
ANSWER = articles

8. Kapan ulang tahun mu ? = ......     
ANSWER = When were your birthday ?

9. Apakah kamu di rumah ? = ......     
ANSWER = Are you at home ?

10. Apakah kamu di rumah kemarin ? = ......     
ANSWER = Were you at home yesterday ?

11. Apakah kamu ada di rumah besok ? = ......     
ANSWER = Will you be at home tomorrow ?

12. Di toko buku = ......     
ANSWER = at the book store

13. Dia di toko buku = ......     
ANSWER = He is at the bookstore

14. Saya bertemu mereka di kantin = ......     
ANSWER = I meet them at the canteen

15. Bacalah bacaan di bawah = ......     
ANSWER = Read the text below

16. Dan jawablah pertanyaan - pertanyaan = ......     
ANSWER = And answer the questions

17. Pelajari angka - angka ini = ......     
ANSWER = Study these numbers

18. Daftarkan benda - benda yang kamu lihat di ruang kelas mu = ......     
ANSWER = List the things you see in your classroom

19. Uji kompetensi semester 1 = ......     
ANSWER = the first semester competency test

20. Seperti apa dia ? ( karakter , sifat ) = ......     
ANSWER = What is he like ?