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28 Februari 2013

How To Remove First Page Number in Documents

Apply To:
Microsoft Office 2010

Want to remove Page Numbers info, in first page Cover of Book or Documents

Filename "Sutra Bakti Seorang Anak.doc"
To download file, please go to this link,


1. Open the filename "Sutra Bakti Seorang Anak.doc"

2. Then go to "Page Layout > Margin > Custom Margin... "

3. In window "Page Setup, go to Tab "Layout". 
Tick for "Different first page" in Headers and footers. 

4. Click OK

5. The results, 
can be check in filename "Sutra Bakti Seorang Anak - No Page Number in First Page.doc". 
To download file, please go to this link,