Cari Blog Ini

01 Maret 2013

How To Remove Invalid Character Like Single Quotes

Apply To:
Microsoft Excel 2010

Want to remove Invalid Character ' ( single quotes ) in All Rows. 

filename : "Replace Invalid Character in Format Comma Delimited - Source.xls"
To download the file, please click this link:

Solution :

00. Open filename "Replace Invalid Character in Format Comma Delimited - Source.xls"

01. Block all rows,
Example from range "B2" to "B21"

02. Press CTR + H to open Window "Find and Replace"

03. In Window "Find and Replace", for "Find what", please fill with = ' (single quotes)

04. In Window "Find and Replace", 
for "Replace with", please press in keyboard for = ALT + 39

05. Choose "Replace All" then choose "OK"

06. Choose "Close"

07. Check the results

08. Then for make sure, 
save the file,
from filename "Replace Invalid Character in Format Comma Delimited - Source.xls" 
to new file,
example name 
"Replace Invalid Character in Format Comma Delimited - Results CSV.csv"

To download the file, please click this link: 

09. Close the filename :  
"Replace Invalid Character in Format Comma Delimited - Results CSV.csv"

10. Next, Open again the filename : 
"Replace Invalid Character in Format Comma Delimited - Results CSV.csv", 
using Wordpad

11. The column "Original" is valid. There is no again for invalid charater like ' (single quotes)
