Cari Blog Ini

22 Maret 2014

How To Create Home or Main Page in Blogger

Step by step :

1. First, login first to your blog

2. Go to Tab "Pages", then click "New Page"

3. Fill the name of "Page" , in example is "Home Page", then choose "Publish"

4. The new page with name "Home Page" successfully created.

5. Next, go to Tab "Settings > Search Preferences" and click "Edit" in "Custom Redirects"

6. Fill then "From" with "/"
and "To" with "/p/home.html" ( fill as name of your home page file )
and choose "Permanent" as "Yes"
then click "Save"

7. Next, go to Tab "Layout" and choose "Add a Gadget" then choose "Pages"

8. Try to type your blog again, then will display the default home page as you want.

Source :