Cari Blog Ini

09 November 2021

Exercise 067

Exercise 067 , klik baca selengkapnya 

1. Ada burung berwarna hitam di pohon = ......     
ANSWER = There is a black bird on the tree

2. Kelinci - kelinci itu berwarna putih = ......     
ANSWER = The rabbits are white

3. Lengkapilah kalimat - kalimat ini = ......     
ANSWER = Complete these sentences

4. Di pintu = ......     
ANSWER = at the door

5. Dia cukup muda = ......     
ANSWER = He is quite young

6. Saya punya kakak perempuan = ......     
ANSWER = I have a sister

7. Di bangku = ......     
ANSWER = At the desk

8. Di lantai = ......     
ANSWER = On the floor

9. John lebih mudah dari saya = ......     
ANSWER = John is younger than I am

10. Saya lebih tua dari John = ......     
ANSWER = I am older than John is

11. Di jendela = ......     
ANSWER = At the window

12. Apa yang sedang mereka lakukan ? = ......     
ANSWER = What are they doing ?

13. Di dinding = ......     
ANSWER = On the wall

14. Di papan tulis = ......     
ANSWER = On the blackboard

15. Mari pergi bersama = ......     
ANSWER = Let's go together

16. Yang mana lebih besar ? = ......     
ANSWER = Which is bigger ?

17. Dia paling muda = ......     
ANSWER = He is the youngest

18. Siapa yang lebih muda , pria itu atau wanita itu ? = ......     
ANSWER = Who is younger , the man or the woman ?

19. Dia punya kaki yang panjang = ......     
ANSWER = He has long legs

20. Dia sangat tinggi = ......     
ANSWER = He is very tall