Exercise 068 , klik baca selengkapnya
1. Yang mana yang lebih kuat , kuda atau keledai ? = ...... |
ANSWER = Which is stronger , a horse or a donkey ?
2. Buku itu berwarna merah , Itu buku merah = ...... |
ANSWER = The boos is red , It is a red book
3. Mobil mana yang lebih besar , yang kuning atau yang merah ? = ...... |
ANSWER = Which car is bigger , the yellow one or the red one ?
4. Dia punya 2 teman baik = ...... |
ANSWER = He has two good friends
5. Dia paling tua dari mereka = ...... |
ANSWER = He is the oldest of them
6. Mobil itu sangat mahal , itu mobil mahal = ...... |
ANSWER = The car is very expensive , It is an expensive car
7. Pesawat terbang di angkasa = ...... |
ANSWER = The aeroplane flies in the sky
8. Pensil kuning itu paling panjang = ...... |
ANSWER = The yellow pencil is the longest
9. Buku itu sangat tebal , Itu buku tebal = ...... |
ANSWER = The book is very thick , It is a thick book
10. Pensil merah lebih panjang daripada yang biru = ...... |
ANSWER = The red pencil is longer than the blue one
11. Mereka bisa mengangkut penumpang dari satu tempat ke tempat lainnya = ...... |
ANSWER = They can carry passengers from one place to another
12. Pesawat terbang lebih cepat daripada kerete api berjalan = ...... |
ANSWER = The aeroplane flies faster than the train runs
13. Yang mana berjalan lebih cepat , burung atau pesawat ? = ...... |
ANSWER = Which flies faster , a bird or an aeroplane ?
14. Yang mana lebih cepat , keledai atau kuda ? = ...... |
ANSWER = Which runs faster , a donkey or a horse ?
15. Yang mana berlayar lebih cepat , kapal atau perahu ? = ...... |
ANSWER = Which sails faster , a ship or a boat ?
16. Bagaimana kamu pergi ke sekolah setiap hari ? = ...... |
ANSWER = How do you go to school every day ?
17. Saya ke sekolah dengan mobil = ...... |
ANSWER = I go to school by car
18. Bagaimana kamu pergi ke kantor ? = ...... |
ANSWER = How do you go to the office ?
19. Dia pergi ke sekolah dengan sepeda = ...... |
ANSWER = He goes to school by bicycle
20. Dia tinggal jauh dari sekolah = ...... |
ANSWER = He lives far from school